At Nescom Infratech, we are a leading engineering platform driven by our motto: "From Design to Implementation."

With over three years of expertise and a team of highly skilled engineers, we have successfully completed many projects in the field. Our commitment to innovation and excellence ensures that our designs are modern, efficient, and fully compliant with the regulations and building codes of Prayagraj, India, including sustainable and green building standards.

We take pride in transforming ideas into sustainable and visionary structures that redefine engineering excellence.

Nescom Infratech – Engineering the Future.

iconWhat we do

Al Musheer EngineeringWe aspire to be the first choice for our customers to provide quality and economical designs and projects in accordance with the requirements of green buildings and challanges to any of the architectural projects


Architectural design is both the process and the product of planning, designing and constructing building and other physical structures.


We provide complete engineering and specialized design service to its projects through associated professionally recognized and capable sub-consultants


We offer a wide range of Engineering services to span the entire lifespan of nearly any building project. With over 5+ years of experience and industry knowledge.

10 +
Completed Projects
10 +
Happy Clients
10 +
Qualified Engineers
3 +
Years of Experience
5 *
Municipality Rate
iconYour Benefit

Build better futures with steady focus on quality

At Nescom Infratech, we are committed to maintaining and continuously improving the quality and services we offer. From the ground up, we uphold stringent standards to ensure excellence in every aspect of our business.

All our designs—from concept to technical execution—are crafted by highly qualified architects and engineers, adhering strictly to the building regulations of Prayagraj, India.

We build with precision, innovation, and sustainability to turn your vision into reality.

Nescom Infratech – Where Excellence Meets Innovation.

The most important asset you can have in business is your integrity, in 7 lines we understand that without client trust a good relationship can never flourish, We follows strict safety guidelines set internally and reviewed often. Our architects and
engineers are qualified to treat with different local authorities and their substantial guidelines which followed stringently and never overlooked to make our developments safe and top of its class.


Latest completed projects

iconWhy Choose Us

Our mission is to make design and projects as
trademark proud of our customer to provide an
engineering, economic and contemporary design
for modernity and technological development with
the new technology and creative design unique and

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    NY 11201, USA


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    (+088) 222-9999

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